Forests constitute the important parts of human’s life. Without instilling the awareness on the preservation of forests in everyone’s mind, the human’s life will face difficulties. While the government officials protect the forests as it is their duty to do so, the villagers can also take care of and preserve the forests with their mindfulness to protect the parts of their lives. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadaj the Great once mentioned that there should be the villages’ forests so that the forests could be restored, meaning that the villagers were encouraged to take care of and revive the forestry resource by themselves as shown in an excerpt of His Majesty the Late King’s statement as follows:
“Forestry officials should plant trees in the hearts of the people first. Then, these people will plant trees on the land and take care of the trees themselves.”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great’s Speech
Given to the forestry officials at Thung Cho Watershed Management Section,
Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province,
On Saturday 31 January 1976