His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great understood nature and wished for his people to be close to nature. His Majesty had a profound vision for handling the problems of natural resources. According to His Majesty, in order to cure nature we need help from nature itself, for instance, wastewater treatment by using “Good Water Chases Bad Water” based on the law of natural gravity flow and by using “Plant and Grass Filtration.” Moreover, in dealing with the problems of deteriorated forests, His Majesty introduced the theory of “Reforestation Without Planting,” which is the method that allows nature to restore itself. Another method is “Waste Disposal” which he gave the guidance to use the fermentation process in order to allow microbes that exist in nature to decompose the waste. His Majesty the late King once mentioned that:
“… That area of 3,000 Rai (480 hectares) is actually too high. It is impossible to pump the sewage up to there. Therefore, a big swamp should be dug instead in order to store water during the rainy season and drain it out in the dry season. Some amount of water may be released down to dilute the sewage in the canals in Bangkok. ”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great’s Speech
Given on 26 July 1999
“... The slurry from tanks and cesspools collected by municioalities has been found to discharge into canals and rivers. There should be a place out of the town and construct the digestion tanks to use as the digesters for 10 days. The slurry or waste matter will be changed and pathogenic contained in liquid waste will be destroyed. For the better sake of qualities, the waste matter should be treated there up to 28 days for all pathogens destruction and the odor will disappear too. The dry solid material remained on the sand beds will be useful as solid fertilizer, and the effluent from the underdrain of sand beds is used as liquid fertilizer. Both kinds of the fertilizer have an odor. The municipalities that usually face with these problems, should consider what should be done…”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great’s Speech
Given on the Occasion of the Royal Birthday Anniversary
On 4 December 2001