His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulydej the Great saw that all of our works have related to the common interest of the country and people. Therefore, we need to perform every duty with honesty and completeness, using our fully-equipped intelligence, knowledge and capacity. In performing the royal activities and granting the royal initiatives on development works and provision of assistance to the people, His Majesty the Late King gave an emphasis on the common interest in the first place as shown in an excerpt of His Majesty’s statement as follows:
“…Some complained they were asked too much to sacrifice for the sake of common interest that they were annoyed to hear. They might think what they would get in return if they keep sacrificing. Actually, doing good for the sake of common interest does not bear fruits only to the public but also to the individuals…”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulydej the Great’s Speech
Given to the Students at Khon Kaen University
On Monday 20 December 1971
“… Our nation has unity, stability and has been peaceful for long time because we have been adhered to the nation and we perform our activities under the duties to accord and support together for the common interest of the nation. All Thai people should realize this and determine to properly fulfill your duties, to accomplish the common interest which is the stability of Thai nation…”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulydej the Great’s Speech
Given on the occasion of the Royal Birthday Anniversary
At Rajapracha Samakhom Pavilion, Klai Kangwol Palace
On Thursday 5 December 2013