1. Honesty, Integrity and Sincerity
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great always placed an emphasis on honesty, integrity and sincerity, as reflected in his several royal speeches. His Majesty believed that Thailand will progressively prosper if everyone joins hands in developing the country with honesty, integrity and sincerity, as stated in his following remarks:
“…Those who are dishonest, unstable, and negligently careless will never bring about any significant benefits to the public. Only those who are honest and determined will be able to successfully run important tasks that are truly beneficial…”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great’s Speech
Given on the Occasion of the Degree Conferring Ceremony
At Chulalongkorn University
On Thursday 12 July 1979
“….As the CEO Governors, you need to be honest. You can’t be dishonest. You can’t at all. If you are, I’ll cast you a curse of unfortunate luck. If you are honest and behave based on morality. I wish you lived a hundred years with physical strength. Adhering to integrity will safely lead Thailand out of danger…”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great’s Speech
Given to the Governors Attending the CEO Governors Training Course
At Klai Kangwol Palace
On Sunday 3 October 2003