His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great emphasized that the people must “have enough to live on and to live for” before moving to pursue the more advanced stage of development.
For His Majesty, in order to have a sufficient life, there must be adequate resources for making a living. The most important thing was the abundance of natural resources and environment, which prevented the people from starvation and life insecurity. The problem of food insecurity was approaching as the world were facing the dramatic increase of its population while the natural resources were decreasing. Therefore, His Majesty the Late King tried to solve every aspect of problems, relating to the natural resources which he considered the basic necessity for human life. He gave numerous initiatives and guidelines on the restoration of the deteriorated natural resources and conservation of natural balance in a sustainable manner.
“…Whether they will accuse Thailand of being old-fashioned or obscurantist. So long as we have enough to live on and live for—and this should be the wish and determination of all of us—without aiming for apex of prosperity, we shall already be considered as the top in comparison with other countries in the present world…”
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulydej the Great’s Speech
Given on the Occasion of the Royal Birthday Anniversary
On 4 December 1974