In order for the work to be accomplished and effective, the state of mind is highly important. Therefore, the working atmosphere must be created to be filled with happiness and without stress. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great once stated that one must have joy in doing any tasks; otherwise, we would be bored and finally stop working. Thus, it can be concluded that the factor for an effective work are cheerfulness, joyfulness, eagerness and liveliness.
Cheerfulness and joyfulness: In doing any tasks, we must be cheerful and joyful and create the atmosphere where the colleagues can work with joy.
Eagerness and liveliness: We must ignite the energy in ourself to work with eagerness while creating the lively atmosphere at work.
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulydej the Great’s Speech
Given at the Meeting of Lion Clubs International
On Sunday 11 September 1983