“…Our Loss Is Our Gain” means ‘Our deficit constitutes our profit’ or we incur a loss to reap a profit’…The country will progress, but the well-being and happiness of the people are a benefit that is difficult to be measured in terms of money…”
His Majesty’s royal statement granted to the Thai people as quoted above implied the concept of “giving” and “sacrifice” which provide profits or gains which mean the well-being of the people that can concretely be witnessed. The concept was also stressed in an excerpt from His Majesty’s royal statement bestowed upon the representatives of the Thai people who were granted an audience on the auspicious occasion of His Majesty’s Birthday Anniversary on 4 December 1991, at the Dusidalai Hall, Chitralada Villa, Dusit Palace, as follows:
“…In the last three years, administration of nations established on the basis of the so-called ideal government theories, have now crumbled down. Will Thailand crumble down? We can consider that Thailand has fared rather well until now… About 10 days ago, a visitor from a foreign land came to obtain some pointers on how to manage a country… But if we use a poor man’s method of administration, without being too dogmatic about theory, but with the spirit of Unity in mind, that is, with mutual tolerance, we will have more stability… Those who stick closely to theory…when the textbook is closed, they don’t know what is to be done. Finally, the textbook must be opened again, on the first page. Everything goes back to the first step, back to the drawing board. But if we use the poor man’s method, if we use mutual tolerance, the text book has no end; we will progress continuously, on and on… So I told him…that advice… “To lose is to have profit for us” or “The loss of ours is the profit of ours.” The distinguished economists will cry out, “Not so!”… So I elaborated that, in any venture, we are willing to put in money and efforts which may seem useless, but in the end, we may be able to reap the fruits either directly or indirectly. This is the very duty of the government…the government’s money;…which in fact, comes from the people’s money…if we want the people to be prosperous, we have to invest in the development projects, which will involve a budget of hundreds or many thousands of million. This means a loss of money, …a debit using the government’s money…But if the project is a good one, the people will very soon get the benefit of it, the result of it. The people will enjoy a better standard of living. The people will enjoy a better standard of living. The people get the benefit… Nevertheless, if we look closer, we will see that, if the people enjoy a better standard of living and have a good income, the government will be able to levy more taxes easily… When they have more income, they should be willing to pay taxes so as to help the government implement more projects for the development of the country…the country will progress… In that way, if everyone knows how to treasure unity and knows that Our Loss Is Our Gain, the country will progress… The well-being and happiness of the people are a benefit that is difficult to be measured in terms of money…”