The Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister regarding the Royal Development Projects was amended several times. In the latest amendment, which resulted in the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister regarding the Royal Development Projects (Second Issue) B.E. 2003 effective from June 27, 2003, the components of the Royal Development Projects Board were adjusted to enable the implementation of the Royal Development Projects to be more effective as follows:
Prime Minister
Secretary-General of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board
His Majesty's Deputy Principal Private Secretary
The Royal Development Projects Board has the major task of directing, monitoring and coordinating the operation of government agencies and state enterprises concerning Royal Development Projects. It also appoints committees, subcommittees, and working teams to appropriately serve the operation of the projects. Moreover, it considers and approves projects, plans and activities as well as expenditures to be used in the operation of the projects. All of these tasks are supported by the Office of the Royal Development Projects Board which functions as the secretary to the board.