The Huai Sai Royal Development Study Centre, established on April 5, 1983, is situated within the compound of Mrigadayavan Palace at Cha-am District in Phetchaburi Province. Formerly, this area was fertile. Then deforestation occurred, together with people practising wrong agricultural methods which rely on the use of chemical substances. This caused adverse effects on soil and water. The topsoil was eroded and became no longer productive, resulting in a rapid change in the area conditions. The Centre thus focuses attention on conducting studies and research on methods to develop deteriorated forests, control forest fires by means of wet fire breaks, develop water sources to increase moisture in the area, conduct a study on agricultural development programme with the emphasis on means to seek participation from farmers in planting, rehabilitating and maintaining forests while at the same time obtaining income and benefits from them. In addition, the activities of the Centre include the raising and propagation of wildlife, in particular hog deer, so that they could thrive in the forest as before. The Border Patrol Police Unit of the Office of the Royal Thai Police plays the coordinating role in the area.
1 To rehabilitate, improve and preserve forests to enable an increase of soil moisture in the project and surrounding areas.
2 To ensure the success of the resettlement programme in order to help the people to have a place to stay and land to cultivate, and promote occupational development, which will lead to improvement of their socio-economic conditions and quality of life.
3 To serve as the model where the people can obtain knowledge and trainings to apply in their livelihood.
4 To coordinate the policies and plans of the implementing agencies to enable the work to proceed towards the same direction and become effective.
The activities of the Huai Sai Royal Development Study Centre are undertaken on an inter-sectoral basis involving the relevant agencies in each development field operating within the framework of the master or action plan of the Centre with the Border Patrol Police Bureau as the main agency.
In effect, since its establishment in 1983, the research and experimentation carried out by the Centre have considerably contributed to restoring the forest and the ecological balance principally through the reforestation programme of more than 4,000 rai (640 hectares), construction of check dam system as well as cultivation of vetiver grass. The forest areas become more fertile. The annual precipitation has increased from less than 600 mm. to approximately 800 mm. between 1994 to 1995. Many wild animal species which were previously rarely found start to reappear.
The Centre has also succeeded in creating new varieties of crops such as double-hybrid melons and tomatoes. This technology has been disseminated to farmers and cultivation of these crops has become their permanent occupation. Moreover, demonstrations of the integrated farming systems and agro-forestry in the Centre have been successfully applied by many farmers both living the surrounding villages and the nearby areas, and induced considerable attention from visitors both inside and outside the country.
In addition, the Centre has benefited the development work of the government agencies while serving as a successful demonstration centre providing the people with the opportunity to adopt appropriate practices to upgrade their livelihood and improve their quality of life. His Majesty’s foresight on the development trends in the area of Cha-am and Hua Hin with respect to growing urbanization and modernization will ensure that the Huai Sai Royal Development Study Centre will remain a “natural forest park” area which will be of benefit to the people of the surrounding city area in the future.
Cha-am District, Phetchaburi Province 76120 THAILAND
Tel: 66 3259 3252-3 Fax: 66 3259 3252