The Khao Hin Sorn Royal Development Study Centre was founded on August 8, 1979 at Phanom Sarakham District in Chachoengsao Province. This area was formerly affected by forest encroachment, cultivation of corn and cassava, and erosion of topsoil caused by water and wind, all of which led to soil degradation. Hence, the Centre focuses attention on conducting study, research and experimentation on land development to ensure its fertility by means of land and water sources development, forest rehabilitation as well as promotion of agricultural knowledge on the planning of crop cultivation and animal husbandry among the farmers in an attempt to increase production. The Land Development Department serves as the major coordinating agency. There are now 15 surrounding villages and two Centre Branches which are:
Since the initial donation of land to His Majesty the King at Chachoengsao, a further 1,139 rai (182.24 hectares) of land was donated by the villagers. This additional land, when combined with the two areas of botanical garden surrounding the monument of King Phrapinklao, has increased the area of the Khao Hin Sorn Royal Development Study Centre to 1,869 rai ( 299.04 hectares ).
1 To serve as the source of knowledge on agricultural development.
2 To serve as a centre for transferable appropriate technology on occupational development for farmers.
3 To serve as a training centre for farmers on agricultural technology and handicraft skills.
4 To produce high yield seeds and good breeding animals for distribution to farmers.
5 To increase the farmer’s income.
6 To serve as an education source and recreation area for people.
7 To serve as a centre where officials from various agencies jointly cooperate in the development work in a unified manner.
The operation of the Centre is undertaken on an inter-sectoral basis involving the cooperation of 11 relevant government agencies. The overall management of the projects implementation in the Centre is under the responsibility of the Land Development Department. Other agencies include the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Agricultural Extension, the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, the Royal Forest Department, the Cooperative Promotion Department, the Department of Fisheries, the Department of Livestock Development, the Royal Irrigation Department, the Community Development Department, the Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning, Chachoengsao College of Agriculture and Technology and many others as well as the private agencies.
Since establishment in 1979, the Khao Hin Sorn Royal Development Study Centre has increased the number of perennial trees, which in turn helps to retain soil moisture in the project area and nearby areas. The study and experimentation have been concluded and developed into demonstration sites for various types of plants where farmers, students and interested people could visit. Training courses on different subjects are available for the general public. Farmers from the surrounding villages seem to be the first group of people who apply the knowledge obtained to increase their incomes and upgrade their standard of living. Likewise, Chachoengsao Technology and Agricultural College which helps in development of the training courses is another agency to directly benefit from the Centre through inspection tours of the Centre. The college also joins the Centre in conducting training courses for the people from the villages surrounding the Centre. The Centre is well prepared for interested people in seeking knowledge on agriculture.
can be said that since the start of the projects, the operation of the Khao Hin Sorn Royal Development Study Centre has pursued the principles of sustainable agriculture according to His Majesty’s wish that the development works be not only simple for the local people to understand and apply, but also truly beneficial, economical and prone to conservation of natural resources. Paying attention to the geographical conditions of the area, the activity implementation of the Centre encompasses proportional division of land as well as economical and natural methods of soil improvement and conservation. Based upon His Majesty’s initiative on sustainable development, the Centre has succeeded in the implementation of integrated farming, cultivation of vetiver grass and natural means of pest control to maintain ecological balance.
Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province 22120 THAILAND
Tel: 66 3938 8116-8 Fax: 66 3938 8119